It is nothing less than another groundbreaking catalogue of monsters not unlike my own masterpiece, A Field Guide to Monsters.
This thick stack of new discoveries is unpublished but none the less masterful in its description of several brand new monsters that even I have never heard of.
It was compiled by a group of young monstrologists in Freeport, Illinois, headed by an eminent guide and teacher in Mrs. Angie Damin at Empire Elementary.
We owe these young brave monsterhunters a wealth of gratitude.
Among the almost 50 new monsters catalogued we find some tremendous, dangerous beasts. Below are just a few outstanding studies:
The very colorful Fowller Born eats people that do bad things and has a very bad cut with monster flesh and blood hanging out in May, March and June,
The Fatty Patty is a mysterious, harmless beast that lives in 5 star restaurants but only eat junk food and candy!
The very colorful Fowller Born eats people that do bad things and has a very bad cut with monster flesh and blood hanging out in May, March and June,
The Fatty Patty is a mysterious, harmless beast that lives in 5 star restaurants but only eat junk food and candy!
The Moniter Number is a very dangerous monster that haunts schools and especially math books. It will eat you if you give the wrong answer! The only safety measures are to never say the wrong answer or never open any math books.
Thanks again to the Multiage Class of Mrs. Angie Damin in Freeport Illinois! Keep up the good work!